Thursday, 26 January 2012

The white man’s graveyard...

...Yesterday, i didn’t feel well at all. Had a huge headache and felt really tired, typically enough being a bloke I just told myself it was dehydration and carried on likewise. During lunch yesterday I was just having a small powernap where I was woken up by some western strangers who immediately asked ‘what colour is your pee?’ the theory being if pee was yellow I’m dehydrated and need to keep drinking till it turns white! If it was white- then I got to see the doctor.
It was white, then they told me about this wonderful blood testing kit i could find at a chemist, telling me whether I had malaria or not, so accomplice by some lads from school we looked round the local chemists where to my embrassement a pregnancy testing kit was found thanks to the language barriers!
On the way back from school the lads took me to the local health clinic where we all signed up for a malaria blood test for the grand cost of 30p each! (the other lads didn’t have the symptoms, but seemed like fun for them) We went into the lab where a chap made us surrender a single drop of blood each to inspect, we then got the results everyone except me got 0/200 where i got 2/200, now i was exactly feeling too comfortable!
At least the doctor had enough English to say ‘you have malaria’ but no more English to explain the path of treatment! He just wrote down the drug in Swahili and told me to goto reception, where again we met huge language barriers, resulting the lady writing out the treatment plan in the sand! Something my life may depend on, shame i didn’t have a camera!
I got home and called dad, literally straight away he asked what’s wrong? What have i done now?! Typical if your son rings you when he normally doesn’t!
 I just asked him to check it was the right treatment- having a professor as your father does have some highlights, But probably more lowlights! He said it was fine it was all good. I just hoped he would have the sense not to tell mum- which silly enough he did!
Malaria is a big problem here yes, speaking to Judith (boss!) I’m the first Tanzanear (the charity supporting Buguruni school) volunteer to catch malaria, so that kinda tells you how easy it is to be avoided! Yes I’m on anti malaria tablets, sleeping under a mossie net. But im not covering up under long trousers nor using repellent- so hands up- I’ve learnt the lesson the hard way, which is like the only way i learn anyway! My recovery is doing well, just simply taking a whole load of vitamins and antibiotics and taking it easily for the next few days (with the odd day off school!)
Looking at the village of hope blog, the hockey set kindly donated by Ally at Kings road toddler group has finaly been put to regular use J! It has been used previously in many one off events but it is now well loved!
Please do pray (those of you!) that I make a proper recovery and I’ll be back to doing sports with the kids soon.... plus mum- who’s obviously very worried! Tomorrow i will be doing another test, i shall let you know how it gets on....

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