Tuesday, 18 October 2011

1st week!

yes i have finaly got round to putting the first post from grabouw on my blog, took me a while to find the password, and then connect the laptop up- honest!

the village of hope is truly amazing, located in the beautiful hills surronding grabouw (roughly 60km west of cape town), here is a photo taken from the baby unit's garden- the building on the left is the baby unit itselt and the adjoined building is the voulenters accomadtion block. my room is the one in the middle with the curtains open (hopefully no mess is evident in the photo!)

i must point out at this stage, that the cleaner each day very kindly changes my sheets and makes my bed for me, as well as a little tiding up here and there! something that the cleaners at mary hare (old boading sch) never got the hang off, or dared to do! (nor dare i say my mother at home!)

so much happens here- i assure you no day is indentical and my office is purely outside :D  !
its way to much to squash into one blog, but regular updates(!) to the blog will soon give you an idea what's been going on!

here is a link to the V o H blog, which is updated slightly more regually- may see some evidence of me working time to time.

simon x

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